Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What if I go Crook?

Bring Your meds. Some newer prescriptions are either under different names or not available. If something minor pops up like allergies or sore muscles, talk to the chemist. Some meds which require a doctor's prescription in the US have "pharmacist only medicine" on the box. You'll show ID, then receive the medicine after a short discussion about proper use.

If you lie about your weight and get dropped on your head bunji jumping, New Zealand has top quality medical facilities.
You won't be hassled for payment, but if you have private coverage, just pay the bill and straighten it out with your insurance carrier when you get home. Medicare won't cover you out of the country. A five day hospital stay cost 200$US. We asked for a bill and the Kiwis were surprised. They told us, "Most tourists just stick us with the bills."
New Zealand is a small country with just as many budget problems as we have. Pay your own way.
For vitamins, so you can avoid that trip to the hospital, bring your own if you have a special brand, or buy them in a health food store or chemist shop.

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Anonymous said...

Can I buy good cosmetics in New Zealand?

Lyn said...

Estee Lauder, Elizabeth Arden, Paul Mitchell--all the major brands are available from the hairdresser or chemist shop. Or, buy duty free in the airport on your way home.